Eleventh Hermit is a “Content Specialist Agency”. Specializing in brand storytelling, with a team of specialist writers writing, digital ads, brand films and short format films

using a specialized content strategy to engage with your customers through audio and video content.

ntent specialist, business storytelling, digital content, digital ads, brand films, short films, video content, social marketing


ACC Cement – Digital Ad 

#MythBursting “it’s always the same with cement category”

With a typical outlook, it’s tough for the cement category to say anything other than ‘tough’, even when it’s Diwali. A brand-new narrative where we made a little boy ask an innocent question in a category, only known to adults. And yet this brand film garnered 21 Million + Views. What’s more to say!

Pregakem – Short Brand Film

#MythBursting – “Who says long duration digital films don’t work”

At least we don’t! The power of content lies in writing a script that doesn’t let the audience skip for the entire five minutes duration. Can you ignore your 7-year-old, if she expresses her pain like you do?! No, you can’t. The proof is a 5 min long film .Hence, it garnered 10 Million + Views.

DCB Bank – Whatsapp Ad 

#MythBursting “cheap and quality don’t exist in the same space”

They do exist together if the approach is unique. Step 1-Write a relevant script keeping in mind minimalistic production. Step 2 – Raise the bar of production, and hence raise the quality of the film. Always remember, that we are solution-based storytellers.

Shree Cement – <60sec Ad

#MythBursting “You force-fit brand characters in festive stories.”

We took the Shree cement’s “ jung (Rust)” character and wrote a RAP style poetry inspired by the story of Ramayana. Starting from Dussehra, where the evil Jung is defeated during the construction of the house, and on the day of Diwali


ACC Cement – Digital Ad 

#MythBursting “it’s always the same with cement category”

With a typical outlook, it’s tough for the cement category to say anything other than ‘tough’, even when it’s Diwali. A brand-new narrative where we made a little boy ask an innocent question in a category, only known to adults. And yet this brand film garnered 21 Million + Views. What’s more to say!

Pregakem – Short Brand Film

#MythBursting – “Who says long duration digital films don’t work”

At least we don’t! The power of content lies in writing a script that doesn’t let the audience skip for the entire five minutes duration. Can you ignore your 7-year-old, if she expresses her pain like you do?! No, you can’t. The proof is a 5 min long film .Hence, it garnered 10 Million + Views.


DCB Bank – Whatsapp Ad 

#MythBursting “cheap and quality don’t exist in the same space”

They do exist together if the approach is unique. Step 1-Write a relevant script keeping in mind minimalistic production. Step 2 – Raise the bar of production, and hence raise the quality of the film. Always remember, that we are solution-based storytellers.

Shree Cement – <60sec Ad

#MythBursting “You force-fit brand characters in festive stories.”

We took the Shree cement’s “ jung (Rust)” character and wrote a RAP style poetry inspired by the story of Ramayana. Starting from Dussehra, where the evil Jung is defeated during the construction of the house, and on the day of Diwali


content specialist, business storytelling, digital content, digital ads, brand films, short films, video content, social marketing


Innovative Digital Content :- MTV

AR Technology campaign:-

This mobile browser-based digital content game was designed in a storytelling format, with three avatars stuck inside the mobile screen; to win, the user had to blow into their mobile mics and keep the walls apart. To activate the voice-detecting AR technology embedded in the microsite, the user had to enable mobile mic access.

This content creation allowed the avatars to interact with the user throughout their journey, using pre-programmed contextual expressions, to keep them focused on the game.

Identifying the target base:-

Relevant audience clusters were identified, who spent an increasing amount of time on their smartphones, browsing through digital content on gaming, news, food, sports and on other digital media platforms.

We also targeted audiences who frequently visited apps, websites, and video content related to mobile gaming, intercepting their paths with contextual banners and social marketing media posts.

Innovative Social Marketing Content :- Godrej Properties

Personalizes Facebook fetching :-

We wanted every prospective homeowner who stepped into a sample flat for viewing to feel as if this was their home. This was done by creating a storytelling marketing content strategy, bringing all of their memories and nostalgia home with them, all thanks to the power of a social login.

So that when they walked in, they could take a look around and discover that the walls of the house had been personalised with photos and video content of their memories.

Our Encryption Process :-

On the backend, our information retrieval programme was encrypted. After which, a scan was performed on the photos, video content , interests and other personalised digital content of these home viewers.

Data analytics assisted in selecting the most treasured memories pictures and videos, particularly those with family and friends, and directly transmitting them to digital media devices in all rooms of the sample viewing house, which retrieved and popped up images pertaining to the home-viewer who had allowed Facebook access. All of this was accomplished with due diligence and customer approvals.

Innovative Social Marketing Content :- Godrej Properties

Personalizes Facebook fetching :-

We wanted every prospective homeowner who stepped into a sample flat for viewing to feel as if this was their home. This was done by creating a storytelling marketing content strategy, bringing all of their memories and nostalgia home with them, all thanks to the power of a social login.

So that when they walked in, they could take a look around and discover that the walls of the house had been personalised with photos and video content of their memories.

Our Encryption Process :-

On the backend, our information retrieval programme was encrypted. After which, a scan was performed on the photos, video content , interests and other personalised digital content of these home viewers.

Data analytics assisted in selecting the most treasured memories pictures and videos, particularly those with family and friends, and directly transmitting them to digital media devices in all rooms of the sample viewing house, which retrieved and popped up images pertaining to the home-viewer who had allowed Facebook access. All of this was accomplished with due diligence and customer approval


“Eleventh Hermit is, without a doubt, the best content specialist firm in India! They made the entire content creation process far more convenient than we had expected and the final brand film was spectacular! The video content they created has vastly enhanced our company’s images and business needs.”


Marketing Head , F&B

I would call them a bunch of ‘Storytelling Innovators’. At the drop of a hat, they would innovate solutions to tell our Brand story. Be it digital ads, short films, or any kind of video content, they are 24 hrs equipped with mind-boggling ideas and heart-moving stories. Their appetite to produce quality work is phenomenal. 


Head Communications, Agri Industry




How hard it’s for a brand to break its category cliché? The category is relevant to the IHB (Individual Home Builder) or contractors, hence a story around a house was the need for the situation. Then what else can one do, other than combining it with Strength,...

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